Playing Disc Golf with Your Children

The question that frequently arises when talking about Disc Golf and kids is how to get them more involved in the sport. You’ll soon realize, if you haven’t already, children that have the attention span of, well, children. J Read below about some tips and techniques that parents have used to teach their kids Disc Golf and keep them engaged.

I will be the first to admit that I wasn’t much into disc golf growing up. I would come to the course, and play once in a while, but I prefered playing in the creek or the playground. I believe that because I was never forced to play, is why I picked it up again as a teenager. I was finally at the point in my life when I was ready and willing to learn how to get better.

Photo by Jensina Tech

The first thing to remember when bringing your kids out to the disc golf course is that you can’t force them to play, otherwise you’re time with them on the course will be cut very short. So, I asked the ladies; how do you keep your kids occupied on the course?

Try to create games within playing disc golf. Stephanie Pullins’ daughter’s favorite part of the game “is being able to help people find their disc if they can’t find them.” Mindy Robertson adds that you can use Disc Golf as a learning experience; “You could use discs as a way to learn colors, to teach counting by having them count your strokes. She adds in regard to older kids, “I think there’s also some potential to talk to kids about the environment, maybe taking a garbage bag out and having them help you clean the trash off of holes.”

Photo by Mindy Robertson

Jensina Tech’s best tip is to “take them to a course with a park. [My child] promises me he’ll be a good boy while I play disc golf and I promise him we’ll play at the park afterwards.” The important thing is that you are not only sharing something you love with your kids but you’re encouraging them to play outside, which is important to encourage with the younger generations.


Photo by , and Tiffany Brogdon.

Now, lets talk about getting your kids to play. What are the first things you taught your kids about with Disc Golf?

Stephanie “taught her [daughter] all the disc golf etiquette so other disc golfers would not mind to play having a child tagging along.” Jensina started teaching her kids Disc Golf on a miniature level. She “bought a mini disc golf basket with mini discs (from Wham-o) [for her son] and that taught him a lot about the basic concept of the game.” I always say that Disc Golf is such a great game for kids. As much as they like making a mess of the different discs, the praise they receive from putting the discs in the basket is a great teaching exercise.

If you plan on bringing your child out to the course, you should to be prepared to have at least 1 disc specifically for them to use. Using discs from your bag is fine, but you maybe sacrificing them forever. Its best to get them discs of their very own and some things to consider are:

  • Don’t get mad if they loose their disc, its bound to happen
  • Have them throw a lighter disc (discs come as light as 100 grams!)
  • Use a midrange or putter – No sharp edges to hurt others
  • Bright Colored Plastic is easier to find!

Some great final advice from Jensina.

“Just try your hardest to make it fun for them. If they want to play with you… let them. If they want to mess around and try throwing your discs… let them. If they want to go buy their own discs… let them. If they want to just watch… let them.”

Instruction, Moms

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