Yoga for Disc Golf: Shoulder Stretches

These yoga moves below are intended to stretch and open up your chest and shoulders, key muscle groups used in the Disc Golf throw. Incorporating these and other yoga moves into your routine will help with your flexibility and more importantly prevent injuries. 

Disclaimer- You should avoid these moves if you have any shoulder injuries or shoulder surgery. Listen to your body and never push yourself past your limits. If you begin to feel any tingling or pain, back off of the intensity of the stretch!

Cow Face: (Props needed: disc golf towel or yoga strap) In a seated position, start by reaching your left arm above your head and by bending your elbow reach behind your back. Bring your right arm behind you to meet your left hand. If you can’t reach your hands together, grab the towel or strap with both hands to help with the stretch. Hold for at least 5 inhale breaths then switch arms.

Thread the Needle: Begin on your hands and knees, both hips width apart. Starting with your left arm, thread it underneath your right arm, bringing your shoulder and left side of your head to the ground and your left hand as far to the right as comfortably possible. Use your right hand planted on the floor to keep your body balanced. Breathe slowly and deeply into this stretch, holding for at least 5 inhale breaths or until your muscles relax into the pose and then slowly move to switch arms and repeat.

Dragonfly: Begin by laying on your stomach. Start by crossing left arm over your right as high as you can above your elbows, and rest your chin on top of the left arm. Imagine your body creating a T shape. Breathe slowly and deeply into this stretch, holding for at least 5 inhale breaths or until your muscles relax into the pose and then slowly move to switch arms and repeat.

Shoulder Opener: Begin by laying on your stomach with your arms out to either side creating a T shape. Starting on the right side, plant your left hand on the floor underneath your left shoulder and slowly roll backwards onto your side over right shoulder. You can bend your left leg and plant your foot behind your right knee to balance your body. The farther you lean backwards the more intense the stretch your right chest and shoulder muscles will become. Hold this pose for at least 5 deep inhale breaths or until those muscles begin to relax. Release the pose and return to the T position to let your right arm relax before repeating this move on the other side.

Slowly come back up to any comfortable seated position, with palms resting on the ground or pressed together in front of your chest. Slowly, take 3 large breathes filling your lung to capacity with air, and releasing it all just as slowly. A positive thought as you move forward is to “Inhale lightness and energy, and exhale anything that will not serve you through the rest of your day”


Instruction, Training, Yoga

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