Tag: Technique

Putting Practice

Question from Heather:

How do improve my putting? How do I practice putting so I can create better putting habits? Thank you!!

Val’s Response:

Now, I will be the first to admit that I do not like practicing. Practicing to me takes the fun out of the game for me, like homework almost. But there are the rare occasions that I get out the backyard and the one thing that I work on is my putting. Although, I might not be the best role model for putting, I can also say that it dramatically helps create positive reinforcement when you step out on the course.

Instruction, Technique

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Follow Through to Success

The follow-through is a very important part of the whole throwing technique. It completes the throw by allowing the player to utilize all of their power, instead of stopping shot and limiting it. The follow through is the key to so many other sports too. Think of a baseball players swing, a soccer players kick, a tennis players serve. They all follow through because it is the offset of all the power exuded in their “strike point”, or our release.

Instruction, Technique

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